
case study: Fuller’s

Fuller Smith & Turner P.L.C. is a family controlled premium pubs and hotels business, with a listing on the London Stock Exchange. It is a very people focused organisation which is keen to inspire, develop and support all its team members, helping them to be the very best that they can be.


As the company moved forward with its diversity and inclusion agenda, there was an appetite and eagerness from the Executive leadership team to make meaningful change and ensure the company’s culture continued to be more inclusive. 

To support their personal journey and build their inclusion confidence, inclusion in worked with the Fuller’s Executive Team as they completed the Inclusive Leader Journey Programme (ILJP). The journey the Executive team embarked on with inclusion in was one of self-discovery over a 3-month period, exploring in a safe space their understanding of inclusive leadership and their role as leaders in making an impact. 


We adapt our style and pace to each leadership team as we recognise that each company is at a different stage on the journey to building a more inclusive and equitable working culture and each leader is on their own individual journey too. We focus on building awareness and strengthening inclusion confidence as key components to making real change happen, both on a personal and organisational level. 

We explored the concept of vulnerability and creating safe spaces for conversations that are not easy to have. It is the emotional and personal connection to this subject that can make a lasting impact and inspire leaders to make meaningful change. 

Therefore the learning was brought to life by sharing the lived experience of people, who are happy to tell their own personal stories to drive change: stories of discovery, inspiration, continuous learning and commitment to change.


Due to the success of working with the Executive team on their ILJP, inclusion in were asked to deliver an insightful awareness session for the Board and an Inclusive Leadership Journey Programme for Fuller’s most senior leaders after the Executive team. 

The results of working with inclusion in on this journey has empowered the senior leaders within Fuller’s to truly understand their own impact and identify key levers of real change. Our work together has enabled Fuller’s to renew its focus on ED&I and develop a robust plan whilst also inspiring a commitment to driving progress against this plan. 

“The ILJP Programme has informed us, educated us and made us reflect on ‘how’ we can deliver our approach to inclusivity. The inclusion in team have adapted the content of the programme to the needs of our organisation. They opened our eyes to the diverse lived experiences different people have in the workplace. It was a very inclusive workshop and we were on a discovery journey together. Their industry experience is highly relevant and relatable. I would not hesitate to recommend the inclusion in team.” Dawn Browne People & Talent Director at Fuller, Smith & Turner P.L.C.